You Matter
Healthy Illini Podcast
Tune in to 15-20 minute conversations about health topics that lead to self-discovery and exploration toward enhancing your wellbeing and overall quality of life.
MindWise Mental Health Screenings
A quick screening can help you see if your feelings and behaviors might be related to serious mental health concerns.
TogetherAll Peer Support
Talking to your peers can help you get support, take control, and feel better in ways that are comfortable for you.
Wellness Reflection Assessment
Get a snapshot of where you are on your wellness journey and gain insight into areas you could focus on related to the 8 dimensions of wellness.
WellTrack Boost Mental Health Journal
Journaling and tracking your moods, as well as taking self-guided modules can help you learn how you can better control your mental health. Available on Google Play and Apple Store.

24/7 virtual, free consultations with a professional to help you with a diagnosis, treatment, and prescription anywhere, anytime. You must be enrolled in the Student Insurance Plan to access this service.

TelusHealth (GooglePlay | Apple Store)
Mental health counselor access for University of Illinois students residing outside of Illinois or studying abroad and international students.

Explore wellness articles and videos written by your peers across the nation, including our very own Illinois students.